Make your crepe style pancakes if you haven’t already done so. Set these aside.
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler with a knob of the butter.
In a small saucepan, melt the rest of the butter with the orange juice and sugar. Bring to the boil before turning down to a low heat and cook for a further 10 minutes until the sauce goes syrupy and clear.
Heat a couple of tablespoons of the orange syrup on a low heat in a flameproof dish such as a tarte tatin dish or a large frying pan.
Take a flat pancake and spoon melted chocolate over one quarter of each one. Fold into quarters then laying in the dish slightly overlapping. Repeat until all pancakes have been folded with the chocolate and put in the dish or frying pan. Pour over the remaining orange syrup and scatter over the orange segments. Allow the chocolatey pancakes with orange syrup to warm for 2-3 minutes. Keep the heat low so they don't scorch.
Meanwhile, warm the amaretto liqueur in the now empty orange syrup saucepan. Once the pancakes have heated through, pour the amaretto over and immediately light a match to set fire to the alcohol thus flambéeing them. The alcohol will burn fast with a quick flame that dies down after a few seconds. Stand back!
Serve immediately. Spoon sauce over each of the pancakes on the plate. Allow 2 pancakes per person.
If you don’t have a double boiler you can use the microwave the chocolate but take care only heating the chocolate for 40 seconds and then 10 seconds at a time so that you don’t burn it. Or you can use a heat proof bowl over a saucepan of water. The calorie quantity here is based on two pancakes per person. If it's following a big meal with different courses, you may find that one pancake, the sauce and a small scoop of ice cream is more appropriate.