Commissioned content and sponsored posts
On occasion the site owner earns money from services such as advertising, sponsored posts, on-going brand collaborations, hosted giveaways, recipe development, writing, photography and styling. Posts commissioned by brands in return for payment and/or gifted product are indicated clearly within the text and any related social media updates promoting these posts.
Affiliate links and display advertising
Affiliate marketing links or display advertising may be used to direct readers where to buy products and the site owner may receive a payment.
Gifted products and press invites
Gifted products and press samples are indicated upon first mention and thereafter if said product remains the main focus of the post or that post is commissioned by that brand. Sampling product does not prejudice editorial content.
Travel and restaurant posts often follow self funded personal visits. Visits which were press invitations are always reviewed honestly and identified within the text with thanks to the brand.
Origin of recipes and images
Almost all recipes and images published here the site owner’s creation. Adaptations of third party recipes are defined here as having at least two ingredients altered and additional amendments to method or wording or presentation.
Where third parties grant permission to reproduce work or images from other publications or press materials, sources are credited to the best of the site owner’s knowledge.
Catalogue images or publicity shots may be used for illustrative purposes in non-sponsored posts.
Last reviewed spring 2021.