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Home Cooking and Baking by Sarah Trivuncic
by Sarah Trivuncic 31 Comments
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Sarah Trivuncic has published recipes, restaurant and travel reviews on Maison Cupcake since 2009. She lives in Walthamstow, East London with her husband and teenager.
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[…] reminisce over FBCs past – compare my posts on FBC09 and FBC10 and Friends at […]
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Sarah Trivuncic except where otherwise stated. All rights reserved. Neither images or text may be reproduced without permission. Privacy / Disclosure
Thanks for sharing! Love to read about food bloggers' events & to look at photos and connect the faces! 🙂
Wowwwwwwwwwwww Sarah. Your photos are FANTASTIC and you did a great job capturing everyone on film. Superb. It was SO much fun wasn't it. Now I've got Bloggers Connect Fever….. LOL.
Kitchen Butterfly aka Oz is so right about all of us having Bloggers Connect Fever! Great write up and great pics and I hope you don't mind my stealing the last one for my write up!
It was fabulous meeting you and you are cuter and more fun in person than even on twitter! Thrilled you spent Sunday with us even tho you had to painfully pull yourself away from us way too soon! Vive le next FBC!!!
Great pictures, lovely write up. Wish someone could organise something like this in the North. Perhaps I should try and get down to visit the next one. Best Wishes to all you Bloggers.
Arrr thank you Jamie! It was agony not coming on Sunday night. Next time my husband will be braced to expect a total 3 day food blogging fest and I will either stay whole time or bring him and Ted with me!
Bakelady59 – you are welcome to stay in Walthamstow if you come next time!
sarah this is a grand review! you were brilliant and loved meeting with you! i so wish we all lived closer!
Sarah, it was so good to finally meet you and get to know you a bit better over the weekend. You're such fun and I feel we could chat for hours, so we must meet up soon and do just that! So sorry you couldn't make it over to mine with the others on Sunday night, you were missed! You are welcome to come over any time though =) Great photos and great post!
I didn't go because I always feel like a ridiculous imposter at these things and can't bear to describe myself as a 'food blogger'. But maybe I should get over myself – looks like a lot of fun!
Hi Sarah – what a great review! I'm sorry we did not have a great deal of time to chat on Saturday – maybe a sign that we should plan an informal get-together in the new year 🙂 Great photos ) And your unidentified lady is the lovely Solange from Pebble Soup.
great snaps and what an amazing event hope i can come next yr
love Rebecca
Hi Sarah, you did a wonderful job identifying all bloggers! It will hugely help me when finally writing my post! Thank you! 🙂 I was great meeting you!
Thanks for the post! Sounds like a wonderful weekend!
Aaargh, red wine teeth! But apart from that, great photos and write up, Sarah. Really wish I could have made it on Sunday to have more time to chat to you and everyone – it went so fast!
Hey Sarah. Thanks for the photos and the write-up; you have been very thorough. 🙂 Hasn't it been fantastic meeting everyone?
What a great write-up and wonderful photos. Well done for going round and taking one of everyone.
It was super to meet you, wish the day hadn't gone by so quickly though. Roll on the next FBC!
"More spatchcock than Hitchcock" – I had to pick myself up off the floor after reading that, I was laughing so much!
So great to see pictures of so many people (well done you!) and so many I didn't meet. A pity I could only be there for Saturday but the experience has just whetted my appetite for FBC10 🙂 Lovely to meet you (if only briefly) and I'm sure our paths will cross again.
oh I am sooo attending the next one!! this is so much fun.. so happy to see everyone enjoyed the gathering and the chatting!! .. 🙂
with love
~ RememberSugar
What an amazing event it was.
Here's to next year!
I am stunned though you got a pic of me with my mouthful (blush, blush, blush).
Thank you everyone, readers old and new! I so look forward to all these new blogs I have to check out.
@Mowie – thank you! I'm sure I will see you before FBC 2010!
@Hilary – you really should have come, a couple of other people didn't have blogs either and they had a great time. Maybe now they'll start blogs!!
@Jeanne – thanks for identifying Solange, I must update that. Hope to see you soon.
@Nora @George – sorry about that, it's so hard getting pictures of people when they're in the middle of conversations or eating isn't it
@dailyspud – you better hide if I come to Dublin because I'm going to hunt you out
@Madame Sucre – thanks for coming to my blog and introducing me to yours, it's beautiful
ah, those cupcakes….
That looks such a fun and fruitful event. I hope I can join the next Food Bloggers event.
I read this yesterday and was sure I left a comment, but in having to come back to get your link for my post I realized I didn't. So it was a pleasure to meet you Sarah, this is a fabulous write-up, and I hope we'll see each other the next time you come into town! =)
Sounds like I missed a lovely event – great write up
This looks like so much fun. I've actually been to Levant before. Its a great place with a lot of atmosphere. So wonderful to see that everyone had such a fab time!
Sooo lovely to meet you!!! 🙂
As for the two of us who talked about Pot Noodles and cooking in our underwear, be grateful it's the way around it is! Am not sure ANYONE but my husband should ever be subjected to the sight of me cooking in mine! 😉
Was absolutely wonderful to meet up with you Sarah…a surreal feeling making it from twitter to reality. I loved the 'connect' and am still reliving the good memories. I have some pics of you. Do send me your email address so I can get them across! xox
That looks like so much fun!
That is me in the corner, examining my food so it seems. It was great fun wasn't it, can't wait for the next one
Solange as in Pebble soup
Hey! Well I thought I'd already left a comment but that could just be and my craziness these last few days! A fabulous round up and so lovely to meet you! Hope to meet up before FBC10