Ted’s official blimp photo
“This may sound a bit random,” came the email, “But someone in the team at Goodyear really likes your blog and we’d like to offer you a ride on the blimp.”
Random? Just a bit, although frankly amongst the type of emails I get these days, it’s not that weird.
Personally, having a few too many memories of documentaries about the Hindenburg and James Bond villains being thrown out of them, I might have walked away from an airship ride without much thought. Even if they are filled with helium rather than dangerous hydrogen these days.
The Goodyear Blimp is back in Europe for the first time in twelve years as part of a Goodyear Tyres promotional campaign about improving European road safety for family driving. It will tour the skies in 20 European countries during 2011 to highlight the Goodyear brand at various consumer based activities and events.
Blimp rides are strictly on an invite only basis, so this wasn’t the kind of gig to turn down.
Besides, my father would have never forgiven me. My husband was gutted to miss out, he already had time booked off the next day for our trip to Paris and couldn’t add more.
So Ted, myself and my father went off to an Essex airfield for this unique experience.
Reassuringly, the “we like your blog” bit was genuine today. Anna, one of the Goodyear staff I met, is a big fan of baking blogs – hence her inviting myself and Ruth from The Pink Whisk.
Getting in and out of the blimp is a bit awkward – it’s one in, one out to balance the weight and stop it taking off! The cabin holds just 3 passengers and the pilot.
You can watch our adventure and find out what it’s like riding on the Goodyear blimp in this 3 minute movie taken using my iPhone.
Ted was quiet throughout his blimp ride, we were not even sure if he was particularly enjoying it.
As soon as we got off though, he was in floods of tears saying repeatedly, “I want another go!”
With thanks to Goodyear Blimp.
Wow what fun! What a jolly jaunt. I loved the film – I never knew it would be so noisy on board.
Such a fun opportunity. How sweet that he loved it so much he was in tears.
Wow, that is a bizarre invitation, but it sounds like you are glad you went. 🙂 It’s not something everyone can say they have done.
Sounds every bit the adventure…especially for Ted – lucky him! We spotted a blimp today, appears Spring and fine weather is bring celebrations and marketing to the fore.
Excellent video report! You still have hidden talents. I had a witness statement from your dad, but this is better. Trip to Paris, when? – Patrick XX
Seems like you had fun, Sarah!
Oh wow!! What a terrific day out. I went on a hot air balloon ride once, I reckon this could rival it! 🙂
What a lovely post. We are glad you enjoyed your time with Goodyear and our Blimp. Great to meet you and your family. Anna
Thanks for inviting me! It was such a memorable experience and Ted loves watching the video now!
Whata a fabulous experience for you both, and a great way to see London.
Ah, well the M25 in our case but it was good fun all the time!