Making Very Hungry Caterpillar Cake
I made two types of cupcake, vanilla and chocolate. Then I made buttercream icing and things started to pan out different to what I’d planned…
What’s this? Urrrgh!
A close up of the finished green (vanilla) cupcakes
A close up of the caterpillar’s head.
All packed up and ready to go.
We love the book – actually we love all of Eric Carle's books – but this is the absolute fave! I need to show Soeren this! Sarah you did a fantastic job. As for the icing sugar – you can use it for macarons you know ;o)
I love your caterpillar! It's so pretty! I think you did an excellent job decorating the cake and cupcakes! And i love your cake board too! You should take a close up of the cake board..it's very pretty to me! They look like the book cover! And for first timer, i think your fondant is VERY smooth! 🙂
That is ADORABLE!! You did a fantastic job.
Now that is just too darn cute. Great job!
WOw, amazing job, how do you get the frosting to stay flawless on the cake, what's the secret? I've always tried to do that but never had any success/
Oh my goodness, this is obviously a labour of love and lots of hard work. You've done such a beautiful job.
Check out this link, you might find it helpful (just in case you dont want to make your own):
I am sure you made one little kiddy super happy 😀
P.s. just ordered my candy thermometer for making italian meringue.
Job well done – congrats!
Wow, well done! The caterpillar looks amazing. I had a similar food colouring problem at Christmas. I was told on my cupcake course to never use the shop bought colouring as it's rubbish but I didn't think I had time to buy any of the good stuff. I ended up making Holly leaves that reminded me of chewing gum (not that appetising) so I had to paint them all with some of the good stuff that I ended up rushing out to buy. Having used the quality colouring since I can say there really is no comparison. Either the gels or the liquids from a good company like Sugarflair are incredibly potent and therefore don't affect the flavour.
@meeta – yes I love Brown Bear Brown Bear too
@faithy – thank you, boards were just painted with melten chocolate using a silicon pastry brush
@bethie @sprinklebakes @amusebouche UK – thank you!
@heavenlyh – thanks for that link, I definitely need boxes and good luck with your italian meringues
@natalie – Since I've started using gel food colouring, I cannot believe the difference in the pigmentation and the quality of hue for stuff like blue. I bought a pack of 8 pots of gel colouring from Lakeland but I forget what make they are. They were about 8 pounds for the box but you only need tiny bit on the end of a cocktail stick so they should last for ages.
Lovely job. We liked the book too. It was fun to imagine you shopping at Sainsbury's. We went to the one in GLoucester Rd (Ldn) when we used to live there. You're a talented baker!
What a lovely caterpillar! I would love making that one day with my children. Thanks for step by step instructions, it helps a lot.
You're really very talented!
Sarah that cake is amazing. You are one talented cake baker!
I love it! Great idea to do cupcakes for the body! How fun!
What a challenge…what an adventure….and …what fun!!!! That'a amazing work…beautiful, edible caterpillar. Well done, Sarah! Opening a shop soon?
Oh wow, that is a work of art and patience Sarah! Very nice looking cake!
@blueamaryllis I know that store! They used to sell nicer stuff than others as in Kensington
@mamatkamal I'm sure they would love it
@george @barbarabakes Thank you!
@marymoh A shop? I'd have no time to blog!!
@nicisme It did take rather a long time yes…!
This looks really great – a post worth waiting for!
Well done, that looks amazing! What a lucky birthday girl! Does this mean Ted is going to start demanding complicated birthday cakes, or does he get them anyway?!
You husband is a blessing….first up!!!!!
Then you are a genius and focussed and strong!!!!!! Well done. I love it. My daughters must not see this….I'm going round a few blogs saying this 🙂 or you know how I'll spend my weekend.
Lots of Love Sar, well done. BTW, I brought home a soup box today, one with little holes….not knowing why (just thought it'd make a good prop. Tomorrow I have to take cup cakes into work and after seeing your husband's work on cupcake holders………..I feel so blessed I have my box!!!
WOW he looks amazing! So cute and I love him 🙂 Congratulations on your first commission of many xoxo
so much effort went into this cake! all worth it despite the food colouring madness. beautiful! 🙂 i'm sure everyone loved it. about the colouring, gel colouring's real easy to work with. i find using a toothpick, dipping it in and using that amount or a little more usually works for colouring buttercream,etc. super well! x
Sarah, you did a fantastic job! How clever making your own carrying trays. You're an inspiration. 🙂
Oh wow Sarah, just incredible and what a go-getter you are! What an adventure but what fantastic, fabulous results! The cake is just perfect! Yay! Thanks for sharing it. And I have images of you Benny Hilling around your supermarket now!
Well done! What an epic task. Glad it turned out so well. On to the next…?
Eric carle is one of my favorite childrens illustrators/authors. This was one of my favorite stories to tread to my kids when they were a bit younger:) I LOVE the cupcake caterpillar, it looks fantastic!! You are so creative!
That is SO. CUTE. I bet they just loved it!!
wow this is amazing you can so make bread! love Rebecca
SOOOOO cute!!!!
Fabulous! And I know all those locations & books. The cake looks brilliant. You are just a bit clever x
Wow, that cupcake cake looks amazing!
Congrats, by the way, by being featured on Finest Foodie Fridays!
Hi Sarah,
I remembered hearing about this cake on Twitter, finally came to check it out. Despite all the issues, it looks absolutely fabulous! Especially the little cupcakes with the icing and the fondant. Can't believe how smooth you got it first go – I work with fondant a lot and still get lumpy bits! Well done.
I would be so happy to pay for that cake. I hope the client liked it as much as I do!
Sarah, this is SO clever! I'm dying to make this now! You've done an amazing job on all of the details (love the details on the cupcakes). I'm so impressed! 😀