I must have got caught up in the food or else the endless trips to take Ted to visit the live lobsters in the tanks out front because I didn’t manage to get pictures of all the dim sum or the rice dishes we ordered. But take it from me they were very good. I ordered the steamed prawn and chive dim sum but also tried one with scallops and another with pork. At thirty pounds a head this was more than I’d usually expect to pay for the amount of Chinese food we ate but the setting and the quality of food were a very high standard.
We left, as Beth described it, “80% full” which if you are doing Ten in 10 like I am, was a good thing. I dread being invited to restaurants when on a diet but managed to enjoy my meal here without feeling like I’d sacrificed the previous fortnight’s efforts.

Looks like a lovely dinner. By the way, I LOVE GBK!!!!!!!!!
Ted looks so cute and cheeky! 😀
Cograts on your 5 pound weight loss, thats awesome!
Oh Yay! That is the cutest cheese face ever! Love it! He is such a cutie! I'm so glad you did not elaborate more about prop heaven! Thank you for your kindness 🙂
Was lovely to see you and meet the hubby and little one. Pictures came out wonderful! I'll have to upload whatever i took and send soon xx
The only problem I had with poppet when she was Ted's age is she likes to wander to other tables and make friends with people. Now she asks questions. :p I'm so green with envy that all of you could meet up and had Chinese food on top of that.*sigh*
@heavenlyh I love GBK but it's off limits right now. Plus someone always insists on playing with the giant tomato shaped ketchup dispensers
@bethany Would I? 😉
@thecookingninja yes I'm spared that at least until he talks
Lovely post Sarah, thank you for taking all those great pictures. Ted is the cutest "cheese face" star! 😉 It was wonderful to see you and other members of "FBC gang"! 🙂 We truly had a ball in the prop heaven! 🙂
Glad you had a good time. And keep up the good work with the challenge!
It was so nice to see you again Sarah and Ted is just the cutest when he does his cheese smile, and he does it so automatically – you've trained him well!
I can't wait to see a certain someone, who shall remain nameless (BETH!) use some of those new found props =)
I know exactly what you mean about prop heaven. I've got into this bad habit of eyeing up the tableware whenever I'm at a restaurant, thinking "man I wish I had this plate". Sometimes I even (embarassingly) lift the plate to see if I can tell where it came from… 😛
I could use some of that duck! Wish I had been able to be there, but as you say, there's always next time.
oh what a great experience for lil Ted so cute, and love the 80% rule bravo i eat earlier with my daughter as well LOL
Royal china?! looks like a place i must go visit too. and yes, sometimes i get very jealous looking at all the dishes from restaurants and is probably why i try to avoid blogging very much about restaurants – also because i can never take any good pics in such lighting! and another reason being my friends hate it when they hafta restrain themselves for some seconds before attacking their plates. your 2 year old is going to be one handsome young man!!! x
What a great time you guys had….that crispy duck is….delish. I made some over Christmas and boy…..I could have the pancakes everyday!!!!! Except Hummus is fast becoming king of my heart!!!! Great to see Sari, Beth, Mowie, Ted…..and the food!!!!!
Sounds like you all had a lovely day and the food looks utterly delish xo
Oh…your boy looks sooo cute with his smile! It's so lovely that all of you can meet together. Must be so much fun. Love that big plate of crispy duck. We eat that very often at home.
5 pounds is great. Congrats.Looks like you guys had a great time with wonderful food.
Ted is soooo cute! And i think you look great!
I am not too sure if this works, but i would think that eating only when you are hungry might help. I know some people eat when they are stressed and not so much when they are hungry thus putting on pounds.
What a fun looking dinner! And good thinking for bringing the Lock and Locks-just in case!
Oh Ted is so cute! I love Royal China as well. Even grown ups love playing with a lazy susan let's face it.
What a fun evening! Good for you leaving 80% full. I find that so hard to do at restaurants.
That's made me want to go out to eat. Really we have no excuse now as G is pretty well behaved. Looks like you had fun. Well done on the 10 in 10 too.
Awww, the cheese face!! He is a cutie pie. And I love the subtle reference to Prop Heaven (aka Kleptomaniacs Anonymous!!). It's all coming back to me now – the giant duck, Chris's chicken wing dance… Good times, good times! Would you mind e-mailing me that group photo? Now you've got me fired up to get a move on and post my review!
How fun! Though I can just imagine the havoc my boys could create with the introduction of a lazy susan – yeah, that's how they roll. 🙂
Awww, Ted is really cute and how lovely that you all got to go out for that delicious meal!