Five weeks ago, without much thought beforehand, I decided to overhaul my eating habits.
After a couple of false starts earlier in the year, the coincidence of a Monday falling on the 1st of the month was enough to kickstart me into being more resolved than in a long time to make meaningful changes to my diet and lifestyle.
For a long time now I’ve felt unenthusiastic about baking cakes and actually if you follow my instagram feed, you’ll have more of an idea what I eat day to day such as these unblogged soups and salads shown above. My husband and son are somewhat phobic of pulses and seeds but they’re exactly the type of thing I love to eat. The biggest challenge over the past five weeks has not been sticking to what I’m eating, it’s been preparing different things for Nick and Ted who each have their limits when it comes to green and crunchy stuff.
I’ve never been tested for gluten intolerance but I do find I’m more energetic if I eat less bread, flour and pasta. Hence since December 1st, I have only eaten these things occasionally, generally when out of the house and there’s no alternative. Where the boys have eaten pasta, I’ve had rice instead.
I have avoided eating processed sugars and discovered that the less sugar I eat, the less I crave sweet things. Initially I satisfied my sweet tooth with a couple of pitted dates but lately I’ve not even hunted in the cupboard for these.
Christmas came and went. I was disinterested in mince pies and the pudding went unopened. I did have some of the Chocolate Christmas Cake Hack at New Year but otherwise my excesses were focussed on nuts, a little cheese and Prosecco.
So the truth is that there’s very little baking been going on in my house for a while and little likely to start. I know myself well enough to know these things are too irresistible if available, hence out of sight is out of mind.
I’m not saying I’ll never bake from now on but what there is will more likely be gluten free or lower sugar. (Unless the desire to decorate cookies takes over!)
Two years ago I was going to the gym regularly and felt fantastic. I think if I’d been publishing the type of food I was eating rather than feeling I should still stick within the confines of a baking blog, I might not have faltered.
There’s been a mass baking binge exacerbated by TV shows and books and actually now thank goodness the spotlight is moving to more lower sugar, more nutritionally sound food. I’ve long felt the baking bubble had moved from genuine desire to craft and gain skills to a mass market explosion in making money.
I realise this sounds contradictory coming from someone with “cupcake” in their blog title but regular readers will already know I often go 12 months never publishing cupcakes and my site has long only still been called Maison Cupcake because I never thought of anything I felt was an improvement.
You will not see self loathing proclamations of “clean eating” here, I am still not quite sure what “paleo” is and I’m yet to be convinced by 5:2. Rather I intend to blog more of the food I am wanting to eat to look after myself and it would appear I’m not alone.
What is Jumpstart 2015?
Jumpstart 2015 is a collective of bloggers using the fresh start of January to increase the ratio of healthier food in their diets.
Most of us will be publishing more soups and smoothies as part of our new habits.
We’ve all got a slightly different spin on it, everyone has different reasons so take a visit to some of the sites below to find out more.
Which blogs are taking part in Jumpstart 2015?
Tinned Tomatoes – Slim Down with Jumpstart January
Smarter Fitter – An Easy 3-Day Juice Feast to Jumpstart 2015
Utterly Scrummy Food For Families – Jumpstart January for Smoothies and Soups
Kellies Food To Glow – Eat Smart Feel Great
Veggie Desserts – Squashing Vegetables & Feeling Healthier
Franglais Kitchen – Jumpstart 2015 with Healthy Eating Tips
London Unattached (mainly soups)
Elizabeth’s Kitchen Diary – Jumpstart 2015, Juices, Smoothies and Soups
Look for the hashtag #Jumpstart2015 on social media, bookmark our sites or use Bloglovin to track what everyone is up to!
Do you need a Jumpstart in 2015?
Here’s to a new year with new, healthier eating habits! Looking forward to reading and trying out some of the recipes you share – those smoothies of yours look divine!
Now you’ve shamed me into thinking I will have to make my first soup tonight. I keep putting it off – too many treats in the cupboard still.
Well done you – I think quitting sugar is quite admirable
Oh I know the feeling about temptation still lying around. Luckily I am disinterested in sugary chocolates and biscuits right now but that still leaves nuts, cheese and booze. I put the booze in the cellar and most of the cheese in the freezer. Out of sight, out of mind, now excuse me whilst I nibble these last few nuts!!
wow… no sugar… incredible… good luck and a beautiful selection of recipes too!
Thank you, I do feel quite unshackled now I’ve announced this!!
It sounds like you have made a great start already Sarah. I only ate about three mince pies in December and was for some reason craving salads too.
Here’s to a cleaner year ahead for us all Sarah, and I’m really looking forward to you all sharing your Jumpstart recipes.
Janie x
I too am trying to question what I am eating and look for healthier alternatives!
A fantastic post Sarah. Like you I’m finding myself feel better and more energetic eating nutrient packed low sugar food. Look forward to seeing your creative baking take a healthier turn. Also seeing the everyday food ideas.
Inspiring start, I might just take a leaf out of your book and start cooking and blogging more of the ingredients I want to eat, if you see what I mean. Beautiful post, thanks
A great time to look at more healthy options. It is also a good time for soup, they are so comforting and warming. I eat far too much sugar so it would be a good time to cut down
I think it helps knowing other people around you are doing the same thing 🙂
Glad to know I’m not the only person who cringes at the term clean eating (I’ve always scrubbed my potatoes!)
Oh it’s ghastly isn’t it. Makes me think of colonic irrigation.
I love these heart-felt and honest words, Sarah. I have found that when I lay off the sugar I have a crazy amount of energy. Actually my husband finds me annoyingly energised. 😉 Once home from my holiday I am happily getting back to how I feel best eating, which is pretty much as you describe. But it is hard when not everyone in the house thinks and eats as you do, but you will find a happy medium, I’m sure.Best wishes with your healthy changes.
Yes I think trying to please everyone else is the hardest part. Still, having a dishwasher helps!
I have been seeing your delish salads in your instagram feed and l have been tempted by them much more than I have been tempted by all the cakes going round. Now if only I can be brave enough to reduce sugar in my diet…
I am wondering whether people are just a bit “over” cake. Never thought I’d say that.
I’ll have to quit sugar too (or at least reduce it to some minimum). I’m glad to see someone else is doing good so far 🙂
I do write a baking blog, but it gives a very misguided look into my every day eating habits! I love salads and cous cous and raw vegatables and this is what I generally eat everyday for lunch, dinner is healthy family meals and we don’t have dessert every night, dessert is a treat. I look forward to reading more on your new approach to food for more inspiration in my daily life!
I’m sure it won’t be long before I blog some baking again but I am going to make much more effort to be lower sugar and/or gluten free.
Good for you Sarah and what a brave move to do it before Christmas! I am on a health kick too but I do find it so hard to cut out sugar. It does make me feel better to have more fruit and veg and think more carefully about alternatives to the bad stuff that I eat! Thank goodness we have Pinterest and fab food blogs like your to find inspiration and motivation.
Hi Sarah!
You know, I was browsing for health & food related UK blogs and stubbled upon yours mentioned somewhere. I did not even click as I quit sugar two years ago and assumed “Maison cupcake” would be all about sweet cakes and sugary treats 🙂 (I wrote about my experiences here ( I am happy to have discover a good a no-sugar blog! I am looking forward to discovering some sugar free cake recipes on your blog. I have prepared a few myself but will admit they weren’t great. Please post any good recipe you may have. Is your decision to go sugar free a longterm decision or just a trial?
Sarah, I’m just seeing this post now and I love love love it! I couldn’t agree more. Your post resonated wth me so much (probably why I’ve not blogged for the past 10 months!).
I’ve long know you were a good source for recipies other than baking, so will continu boy watch for more delicious savoury options. x
Thanks Andrea!