Latest information about Forever Nigella is now shown at:

Forever Nigella is the only regular blogging event to share your culinary moments dabbling with the domestic goddess.
After a couple of months with open entries we’re going back to having a monthly theme and there’s a great new line up of fabulous hosts!
Each event runs from the 1st to a named date near the end of the month with the current badge displayed here alongside a link to the latest announcement post.
Events will be announced on host’s blogs on the first of the month and round ups posted on their sites on the 1st of the next month.
The round up will link through to the new host so you can click through and see what the new theme is straight away.
Forthcoming hosts 2013
January – Sally at Recipe Junkie
February – Urvashi at The Botanical Baker
March – Jen at Blue Kitchen Bakes
April – Elizabeth at A Girl in Her Kitchen
May – Mimi at Chef Mimi
If you would like to host a future round of Forever Nigella email me at sarah AT maisoncupcake DOT com. (If you’ve previously expressed an interest and not listed above I’m due to contact you soon to set up dates for the rest of 2012 but new people are welcome to volunteer.)
Forever Nigella Rules
Blog checking lines:
Forever Nigella #[number] is being hosted by [name] of [blog]. This month’s challenge is to prepare and blog any Nigella Lawson recipe [describe theme]. Forever Nigella is organised by Sarah at Maison Cupcake.1. Blog your entry by the date shown displaying:
a) the current Forever Nigella badge
b) a link to this announcement post
c) a link to the Forever Nigella page at Maison Cupcake: posts must have been published since the announcement post. Archived posts need to be re-published afresh if you wish to submit.
2. Remember copyright.
You must NOT reproduce Nigella’s recipes verbatim. Tell us which book it is from and/or link to it online. If you’ve adapted the recipe in some way i.e. changed at least two ingredients or amended the method then it’s ok to publish the a recipe in your post but you MUST write directions in your own words.3. Submit your post
Use the linky tool or email the host cc’ed to sarah AT maisoncupcake DOT com.
The Forever Nigella page shows a list of online Nigella resources, future hosts and links to past themes and round ups.
Tweet your post: #forevernigella
If you don’t have any Nigella books check out these resources online:
Nigella’s official site:
BBC Food:
Channel 4 Food:
UKTV Good Food Channel:
Food Network:
Daily Mail:
Previously on Forever Nigella…
#25: Elizabeth A Girl in Her Kitchen – Colourful
#24: Jen at Blue Kitchen Bakes – Easter
#23: Urvashi at Botanical Baker – Nostalgia
#22: Sally Recipe Junkie Food to Cherish Loved Ones – round up to follow
#21: Laura Laura Loves Cakes Christmas
Forever Nigella #20: um 20? what happened to 20? We took a break and my husband seems to have got confused numbering the next badge. *shrugs*
Forever Nigella #19: Nazima at Working London Mummy
Forever Nigella #18: Karen at Lavender and Lovage
Forever Nigella #17: Amy at Cooking, Cakes & Children (awaiting round up)
Forever Nigella #16: Fleur at Homemade by Fleur June 2012
Forever Nigella #15: Nelly at Nelly’s Cupcakes (awaiting round up)
Forever Nigella #14: Lucy at Vanilla Frost April 2012
Forever Nigella #13: oops! There isn’t an unlucky 13!
Forever Nigella #12: February 2012
Forever Nigella #11: January 2012
#10 Christmas Presence hosted by Sarah at Maison Cupcake
#9 Halloween Horrors hosted by Sarah at Maison Cupcake
#8 Picnic Pleasures hosted by Helen at Fuss Free Flavours
#7 Iced Dreams hosted by Arthi at Soul Curry
#6 Sea Fish and Eat It hosted by Kat at Housewife Confidential
#5 Salad Days hosted by Dom at Belleau Kitchen
#4 Street Party hosted by Mardi at Eat Live Travel Write
#3 Ciao Italia hosted by Maison Cupcake
#2 Seduced by Chocolate hosted by Maison Cupcake
#1 Seasonal Sensations hosted by Maison Cupcake
I’m in!
I’ve pimped you out at
How exciting. I have just started a cooking blog following on from the success of my other blog. Count me in!
I like that we ar enot obliged to do every month. I love Nigella and watch every thursday her new cooking show. Will try to join in,
I am very behind with the current series… got them all stacked up on my V+ box to enjoy over Christmas.
Ok, this sounds seriously cool. I just received “Feast” as a gift and am planning on using some of her recipes for a Christmas Eve party we’re having, so I’m in!
Feast is a mighty tome isn’t it, I think it’s a really great idea for a recipe collection too and I enjoy reading recipes about other people’s customs. Having said that, it’s probably the book I’ve cooked from the least so I must rectify that this festive season. Something I really loved about feast was that after 2-3 books in a row where she’d done less prose, there was plenty of Nigella chit-chat to linger over.
I’m in! In fact I was planning to make Nigella’s mince pies this week anyway.. 😛
As someone who bought Kitchen the moment it was released, I can happily say that none of the recipes have dissapointed me yet! Yet another example of Nigella’s brilliant-ness.
Am looking forward to the round ups!
Ah yes but which mince pies as she has done several versions…. I have only cooked my pumpkin scones from Kitchen yet but it is a very satisfying book which I am still digesting!
i’m in… love me some Nigella and i’m planning to cook a couple of her recipes anyway over the Christmas period, so it’ll be a breeze!
Well Christmas isn’t Christmas without at least one Nigella recipe is it. Great to hear you are taking part!
What a wonderful idea! I am really excited to celbrate Nigella with everyone 🙂
How fun, Sarah!! I don’t have any of her books yet, but I will try to track one down soon so I can participate. 🙂
Try if you can’t get a book near you – although I’m sure you can buy her stuff in Canada?
I’m in Sarah! What a fabulous idea. I’m very fond of Nigella’s books but have gone off her series over time! I’m waiting for Kitchen to come through – got it for free for subscribing to Delicious!
I already know what I’m making, and it wont be too much of a surprise but I promise I’ll deviate from the obvious as the competition goes on!
You er… wouldn’t be thinking of doing C U P C A K E S would you? Nigella has done many many varieties of cupcake before they were such a big thing in the UK so go on right ahead, I will allow you to present cupcakes EVERY month if you like – as you well know, cupcakes are sooo adaptable to mirror any cuisine or style.
Not sure how you guessed 😉
I got my Kitchen book – it’s HUGE! Still working my way through it. Hoping to get my Nigella item done next week – once I get the secret ingredient!
And yay to cupcakes every month 🙂
Yay, this sounds fabulous!!
I’ve had an idea rolling around in my ‘one day’ folder that may just be perfect! It’s old school as it’s from ‘How to be a Domestic Goddess’ but it’s one of my favorites :-D!
Wonderful! I love that book, can’t wait to see which one you pick.
I’m stoked for this! I’m a huge Nigella fan!
That’s brilliant! I hope you whip yourself up an egg nog whilst you’re at it
Oh Sarah this is fabulous, please count me in!
Morwenna x
It will be a pleasure and a delight to have a recipe from you!
I would love to join!! great blogging challenge!
I would be delighted for you to join us Juls! I just know your entry would be Nigella-tastic!
Sarah, I really loved this idea! I’m joining you! Thanks for not making it a a strict one!
The rules get in the way of some things don’t they!
Hi sounds like fun. Haven’t got time to enter but will love to watch. Cheers
Will these Nigella Measuring cups make me as sexy as Nigella? ha ha, Oh well never mind a girl can dream
Depends how you wear them?!
Well, this does sound like a good idea. I have a confession: I have never cooked a Nigella recipe. But I have watched her on TV occasionally. I think her website will be my first step towards my training as a domestic goddess. Great idea, Sarah, and I look forward to seeing what everyone does. 🙂
You haven’t?! How?! Mind you, I have a load of Nigel Slater books and rarely use them. Maybe we can convert you?
Yes, you may convert me yet. I made my recipe this week and photographed it. So soon you will see it! Thanks for the push to try her out.
(And I love my Nigel books. But I don’t cook out of them too regularly either.)
Oh, I also meant to ask: did you contact Nigella and tell her you were dedicating an event in her honour? What did she (or her agent, maybe) say??
I haven’t… but I’m sure they’ll pick up on it easily enough.
How exciting, I love Nigella’s recipes. I will put on my thinking cap. 🙂
I would really love to enter this event – already thinking of lots of Nigella recipes I could try! Sounds great 🙂
Can’t wait to see what you come up with !
Definitely count me in – my blog is dedicated to all things Nigella. Trying to make a recipe a day at the moment but have been struggling to find the time lately but this has given me impetus to get going again! Am currently working my way through Nigella’s Christmas so should be able to enter quite a few posts, if allowed??
Thanks for commenting on my blog. If you could direct people my way too that would be great but I will definitely share the news on the event today.
Yes of course – the more the merrier. And I have visited your blog, what a wonderful challenge to be taking on!
I love that you are getting Lorraine to judge this competition! Fantastic – better than the real Nigella even
Aww thanks so much Gourmet Chick! You are so sweet! x
I’m so delighted Lorraine said yes!
Hey Sarah. Sounds like a great idea. Now I saw your comment on my mince pie post but wondering if it will work now. For one the mincemeat is not Nigella’s. Just the pastry. Also the recipe is printed out on the post. So might need to do a new one. What do you think?
Hi Heather, I will have to look at your post and get back to you!
oooh very pretty I LOVE nigella! Have added the graphic and your link here:
Brilliant! Thank you!
Great idea – I’m in! I’ve got several Nigella books 🙂
That would be fantastic! Can’t wait for all this Nigella-ness to roll in!
Ohh.. Am so thrilled to have found your blog.. Am a BIG Nigella fan, so you can totally count me in.. I have all her recipe books, except Kitchen..However, am not much of a cook, so will probably be linking to her recipes on
Oh im a biggg Nigella fan too and this is a fantastic way to get going with kitchen every month!
I like ur rules and its all super cool here , will definately try to send ya something by 16th ,please add me to ur blogroll too!
I love her cook along on the blog too everymonth but there aint muc activity happening there 🙁
Ahh +theres a prize , how exciting!
Happy to have found ur wonderful blog!
I really like Nigella’s style – say what you might about some of the excess cream and butter….Nigella Express in fact is a favourite cookbook now and seems to be a very moderate Nigella, and quite close to my style of cooking. In fact I have cooked many recipes from this book and posted quite a few of them as well. This event will be a welcome addition since it will make me explore more of her recipes!
This is where I have posted some news of your event.
Good luck!
Great idea! Time to put the old thinking cap on!
Sounds like such an awesome event!! I’m up to taking part, if I manage to find one of her books!
I am also a big Nigella fan and have been hoping someone would start something using her recipes. I am in.
Love your rules. I am off to figure out some seasonal recipes from Nigella.
I put the badge on my left sidebar.
When, I cook something, I will write something up about the group.
Loving this challenge my entry is up on my blog
Hi Sarah!
I am a big Nigella fan too. Here is my entry to the event 🙂 Hope you like it.
I’m just boiling up some clementines for clementine cake. Is that Christmassy enough? Not made anything else Nigella except the choccy cake, which I didn’t deem Christmassy really!
Nigella = Christmas!
I have produced several Nigella treats for the festive season so here are my entries to the event….can I have more than one?! Link and image duly posted. Thanks for doing this, fab idea.
Added to my sidebar too,pleasseeeeee add me to the giveaway too 🙂
those melamine measuring cups are sooooo cuteeee!
Lovely idea. I will spread the word and will enter. Don’t include me in any of the prize lists as I have the book and the black measuring cups.x
Sarah one of the Nigella’s recipe is up here…
Will surely be baking more 😉
Hi Sarah,
Here’s my entry:
Love this challenge, thanks a million for organising it.
My Christmas dessert wasn’t made with a Nigella recipe, but I think the rich, creamy, snowiness is evocative of her food anyway 🙂
I was also inspired by her brownies, which she topped with little pine trees and reindeer – I didn’t have any of those, but I decorated my dessert with little Santa heads 🙂
Nigella’s Butternut, rocket and pine nut salad followed by the most amazing Marmalade pudding cake!
Here’s my Forever Nigella. The woman is a GOD. Enjoy my winter version of her fruit salad.
I did one too!
Sorry it took me so long, ahve been meaning to post all week. Good on you for having this great idea!
Hey Sarah,
Hello and thanks you for hosting such a lovely event!I’ve been a great admirer of Nigella for a long time and it is really fantastic to see such an interesting event out here and to meet so many Nigella-enthusiasts together at one place!
Here goes the link to my entry for the event:
Waiting eagerly for the round-up!
Wit,wok & wisdom
Hi Sarah , am happily sending u my seasonal sensations post , my take on it:-))
We have to email it ur ur email id here , rite?
dont know which pic to send though:-)))
Hi Sarah, thanks for organising this exciting new challenge! Here is my link:
Looking forward to seeing the round up 🙂
Hey Sarah this is such a great event and I’m sure there will be many amazing recipes.
Here’s my take on it :
So glad I found this group and in time for the chocolate challenge!
Heres my post
What a great idea! I missed the last two but there was nothing keeping me from a street party!
you are hosting a lovely event dear….
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Happy Blogging!!!!
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Good Food Recipes
I made a fabulous cheesecake ice cream:
I have just entered your forever nigella # 7 ” iced dreams ” with my chocolate, cherry kirsch mousse with flaked almonds.
Hope you like it!
Here is my link for the choc cherry mousse
Thanks, Laura.
Hi Sarah, I’m new to the Forever Nigella blog event. I want to submit my post later today for Dec Christmas Presence but I can’t find the page announcement or the badge. thanks for your assistance!
It will be up in a couple of days…. I’ve been a bit busy to organise but it’s still happening!
I would love to host a Forever Nigella one month Sarah!